I've been a bit disheartened recently. I graduated in May and started searching for teaching jobs. Where I'm from, there are quite a few teaching jobs, you just have to be willing to be paid less than a living wage and live in an area in which a single white woman won't feel safe. It's been difficult to say the least.
So where am I now?
Same place you last found me, but a few blocks south and west. I moved out of my sister and her husband's house and got an apartment with my best friend (affectionately known as the boyfriend). Moving was hard.
Moving means that I'm no longer sharing a wall with my niece and no longer see my big sis whenever I want.
Moving means packing, which I detest.
Moving means my mom hates
Moving means going from a nice house to a small apartment.
Moving means missing daily interactions with my niece.
Moving also means that I get to see my best friend more often than not. And even with that, our work schedules overlap so when we both work, I only see him during my lunch break and he comes home after I'm already in dream land. But it's a lot better than being sixty miles away and maybe getting 4 days with him a month.
I've started a new job in customer service at a pretty cool internet-based company. It's a really positive work place and it's a good "for now" job. My employer knows what my employment goals are, so I'm still working towards getting a teaching job. I'm going to take a few online classes to keep my brain focused. I think I'm also going to start figuring what this unread blog is going to be all about. Writing is a good de-stresser and calming activity for me.
I've been working on decorating the apartment and DIY-ing a lot of it, so I"ll have some tutorials at some point in time. I don't know how the style side of this will go, but I'm leaving this as is.
So for now, that is all.
With love,
Kelsey Jean
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